Friday, June 15, 2007

What Happened to OAC?

Ten years ago i would not be planning for prom, or graduation, and now i have to make one of the biggest decisions of my life. Since Ontario took away grade 13 (OAC), young graduates have been composed to find out what their plans for the future are. I have seen plenty of people come out of grade 12 with a decision to go to college even though they don't want to and know they are not ready. I believe there should still be a OAC even though i dislike school, because i would rather have one more year experience before heading off to college. We are still paying the same amout of taxes, and getting less education. The government says we can take a upgrade course ata college if you don't 100% know what you want to do. The catch, you pay for the course from your own pocket, so much for tax paid education.

1 comment:

MzQbit said...

I completely agree with you. With only 4 years, it puts way more pressure for students as young as 14 and 13 to have to figure out if they want to go to college or university. when I was in school this wasn't happening until we were in grade 11 or so.